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Échantillons de Reproduction de la Vierge Marie | Art Peint à la Main

Découvrez les échantillons réels en haute résolution des reproductions des peintures les plus célèbres de Vierge Marie.

Reproductions de tableaux de Vierge Marie à la main à vendre, dans le monde entier et sans frais d'expédition. De plus, nous offrons un aperçu photo gratuit de la peinture terminée avant l'expédition et nous vous garantissons que vous apporterez chez vous une réplique de qualité musée de Vierge Marie. Envoyez-nous votre demande aujourd'hui pour posséder une meilleure réplique de peinture !


1. The Madonna of the Lilies


Customized Size: 24 x 16"; Frame: Classical Frame; Finished Date: August 15, 2017; Customer: Karen, US

The Madonna of the Lilies



2. The Immaculate Conception


Customized Size: 32 x 16"; Frame: Ornate Frame; Finished Date: June 7, 2018; Customer: Alfie, UK

The Immaculate Conception



3. The Annunciation


Customized Size: 48 x 36"; Frame: Modern Frame; Finished Date: July 12, 2016; Customer: Grace, US

The Annunciation



4. Virgin of the Ghent Altarpiece (centre upper panel)


Customized Size: 18 x 12"; Frame: Ornate Gold Frame (6682-G1); Finished Date: May 23, 2019; Customer: Aleksander, Norway

Virgin of the Ghent Altarpiece (centre upper panel)



5. Cestello Annunciation


Customized Size: 36 x 36"; Frame: Classical Frame; Finished Date: January 13, 2018; Customer: Brian, US




6. Virgin in Prayer


Customized Size: 18 x 14"; Frame: Emboss Ornate (7146); Finished Date: February 12, 2018; Customer:Ronan, US

Virgin in Prayer



7. Madonna of the Book, Madonna del Libro


Customized Size: 18 x 12"; Frame: Ornate Frame; Finished Date: May 23, 2017; Customer: Julie, US

Madonna of the Book, Madonna del Libro



8. Madonna of the Meadow, also known as Madonna del Prato


Customized Size: 20 x 16"; Frame: Ornate Frame; Finished Date: September 2, 2017; Customer: Alex, US




9. Madonna with the Child and Two Angels


Customized Size: 22 x 14"; Frame: Classical Frame; Finished Date: December 3, 2016; Customer: John, US

Madonna with the Child and Two Angels



10. The Coronation of the Virgin


Customized Size: 32 x 24"; Frame: Classical Frame; Finished Date: January 12, 2019; Customer: Abel, UK

The Coronation of the Virgin



11. The Holy Family


Customized Size: 16 x 12"; Frame: Traditional Wood Frame (2619-1605-G); Finished Date: July 30, 2018; Customer: Teresa, US

The Holy Family



12. Madonna and Child with Saints Lucy and Catherine and Two Nuns


Customized Size: 68 x 84.5 cm; Frame: Ornate Frame; Finished Date: January 22, 2017; Customer: Jim, US

Madonna and Child with Saints Lucy and Catherine and Two Nuns



13. The Annunciation


Customized Size: 28 x 35"; Frame: Classical Frame; Finished Date: September 30, 2018; Customer: Ellen, US

The Annunciation


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