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Échantillons de Reproduction de John William Waterhouse de Qualité Musée | Répliques Peintes à la Main

Découvrez les échantillons réels en haute résolution des reproductions de tableaux les plus célèbres de John William Waterhouse.

John William Waterhouse reproductions peintes à la main à vendre, dans le monde entier et sans frais d'expédition. De plus, nous offrons un aperçu photo gratuit de la peinture terminée avant l'expédition et nous vous garantissons que vous apporterez chez vous une réplique de qualité musée de John William Waterhouse. Envoyez-nous votre demande aujourd'hui pour posséder une meilleure réplique de peinture !


1. The Lady of Shalott


Customized Size: 30 x 40”; Frame: Torn Scoop with Emboss Lip (5958HK-G); Finished Date: December 29, 2018; Customer: Denny, UK

The Lady of Shalott



2. Hylas and the Nymphs Manchester by John William Waterhouse, Framed


Customized Size: 30 x 48"; Frame: Ornate Siliver Frame (6696-S2); Finished Date: January 26, 2019; Customer: Jane, UK

Hylas and the Nymphs Manchester



3. Echo and Narcissus


Customized Size: 24 x 48"; Frame: Deluxe Baroque (C-5072-G); Finished Date: December 17, 2018; Customer: Mithila, Australia

Echo and Narcissus



4. Ariadne


Customized Size: 24 x 48"; Frame: Classical Frame ; Finished Date: May 1, 2018; Customer: Laura, US




5. A Mermaid


Customized Size: 45.9 x 30.6 cm; Frame: Modern Frame; Finished Date: April 12, 2018; Customer: Courtney, US

A Mermaid



6. Ophelia


Customized Size: 20 x 32"; Frame: Classical Frame; Finished Date: August 24, 2016; Customer: Kary, US




7. The Soul of the Rose


Customized Size: 34.75 x 23.25"; Frame: Classical Frame ; Finished Date: December 15, 2018; Customer: Charles, US

The Soul of the Rose



8. Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus


Customized Size: 24 x 14"; Frame: Classic Frame ; Finished Date: May 28, 2017; Customer: Jenny, US

Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus



9. Pandora


Customized Size: 60 x 34"; Frame: Modern Frame; Finished Date: March 1, 2019; Customer: Melissa, US




10. The Magic Circle


Customized Size: 42 x 28"; Frame: Classical Frame; Finished Date: March 18, 2019; Customer: Steve, London

The Magic Circle



11. Boreas


Customized Size: 16 x 12"; Frame: Ornate Gold Frame (6698-G1); Finished Date: October 15, 2018; Customer: Mark, New Jersey, US




12. The Crystal Ball


Customized Size: 24 x 16"; Frame: Modern Frame; Finished Date: May 7, 2018; Customer: Deborah, Florida, US

The Crystal Ball


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